Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Outstanding and Distinguished Arahants

During the Buddha's time, the outstanding and distinguished disciples were accordingly awarded the titles suitable to their achieved status. Listed below are the mentioned titles declared by the Buddha on each individual disciple.

(1) Forty-one Arahant-Theras and their respective highest tilies of etadagga: -


etadagga titles awarded for

1. Kondanna

2. Sariputta

3. Moggallana

4. Maha Kassapa

5. Anuruddha

6. Bhaddiya

7. Lakundaka Bhaddiya

8. Pindola Bharadvaja

9. Punna

10. Kaccayana

11. Cula Panthaka

12. MahaPanthaka

13. Subhuti

14. Khadiravaniya Revata

15. Kankharevata

16. Sona Kolivisa

17. Sona Kutikanna

18. Sivali

19. Vakkali

20. Rahula

21. Ratthapala

22 Kunda Dhana

23. Vangisa

24 Upasena

25. Dabba

26. Pilindavaccha

27. Bahiya Daruciriya

28. Kumara Kassapa

29. Maha Kotthita

30. Ananda

31. Uruvela Kassapa

32. Kaludayi

33. Bakula

34. Sobhita

35. Upali

36. Nandaka

37. Nanda

38. Maha Kappina

39. Sagata

40. Radha

41. Mogharaja

being senior-most Mahathera

possessing great wisdom

possessing great supernormal power

keeping austere practises

possessing the Divine Eye

being chief of the clan

possessing sweet voice

giving bold speeches

giving sermons as a preacher

elaborating the Buddha's teaching

creating mental images

winning Arahatship after emerging from Rupa-Jhana

living a pure life and being worthy of offerings

living a forest-life

being absorbed in Jhana

being energetic

giving eloquent speeches

receiving abundant gifts

having extreme confidence in he Buddha

taking the threefold Training

adopting ascetic life through conviction

drawing lots ahead of others

possessing poetical wits

being held in high esteem by followers

arranging accommodations for bhikkhus

being adored by Devas

possessing quick penetrative knowledge

employing imagery in sermons

possessing the fourfold Analytical Knowledge

possessing learning, good memory, intelligence, diligence and service to the Buddha

having large crowds of followers

making the Buddha's kinsmen dear to the Buddha

enjoying perfect health

possessing the power to recollect past existences

bearing the Vinaya

giving advice to bhikkhunis

guarding the sense-faculties

giving advice to bhikkhus

meditating on the element of heat

inspired by the Buddha to amplify the Dhamma

wearing robes made from rags

Forty Arahant-Theras flanking the Buddha on His right.

1. Sariputta (Chief Disciple)

2. Annasi Kondanna

3. Vappa

4. Bhaddiya

5. Mahanama

6. Assaji

7. Nalaka

8. Yasa

9. Vimala

10. Subahu

11. Punnaji

12. Gavampati

13. Uruvela Kassapa

14. Nadi Kassapa

15. Gaya Kassapa

16. Maha Kassapa

17. Maha Kaccayana

18. Maha Kotthita

19. Maha Kappina

20. Maha Cunda

21. Anuruddha

22. Kankharevata

23. Ananda

24. Nandaka

25. Bhagu

26. Nandiya

27. Kimila

28 Bhaddiya

29. Rahula

30. Sivali

31. Upali

32. Dabba

33. Upasena

34. Khadiravaniya Revata

35 Maha Punna

36. Cula Punna

37. Sona Kutikanna

38. Sona Kolivisa

39. Radha

40. Subhuti

Forty Arahant-Theras flanking the Buddha on His left.

1. Moggalana (Chief Disciple)

2. Angulimala

3. Vakkali

5. Maha Udayi

6. Pilindavaccha

7. Sobhita

8. Kumara Kassapa

9. Ratthapala

10 Vangisa

4. Kaludayi

11. Sabhiya

12. Sela

13. Upavana

14. Meghiya

15. Sagata

16. Nagita

17. Lakundaka Bhaddiya

18. Pindola Bharadvaja

19. MahaPanthaka

20. Cula Panthaka

21. Bakula

22. Kunda Dhana

23. Bahiya Daruciriya

24. Yasoja

25. Ajita

26. Tissa Metteyya

27. Punnaka

28. Mettagu

29. Dhotaka

30. Upasiva

31. Nanda

32. Hemaka

33. Todeyya

34. Kappa

35. Jatukanni

36. Bhadravudha

37. Udaya

38. Posala

39. Pingiya

40. Mogharaja

2. The Arahant Theri Bhikkhunis and their respective highest title of Etadagga
Arahant Theri Bhikkhunis Etadagga titles awarded for

1. Mahapajapati Gotami

2. Khema Theri

3. Uppalavanna Theri

4. Patacara Theri

5. Dhammadinna Theri

6. Nanda Theri

7. Sona Theri or Bahuputtika

8. Sakula Theri

9. Kundhala kesa Theri

10. Bhaddaka pilani Theri

11. Bhadda kaccana Theri or Yasodara

12. Kisa gotami Theri

13. Singalaka matu Theri

being senior-most Bhikkhuni

possessing great wisdom

possessing great supernormal power

bearing the Vinaya discipline

giving sermons as a preacher

being absorbed in the Jhana

being energetic

possessing the Divine Eye

possessing quick penetrative knowledge

possessing the power to recollect the past existence

possessing great wisdom and supernormal power

wearing robes made from rag

having highest confidence in the triple gem

Etadagga titles awarded for-

1. Tapussa and Bhallika, Two brothers

2. Anathapindhika rich man

3. Rich man Citta

first to take refuge

giving with great generosity

the best preacher in giving sermons

4. Hattha alavaka Gentleman

having the four types of bestowment, namely charity, pleasing sweet words, giving necessary assistance and treating others equally

5. Mahanama Sakyan King

6. Rich man named Ugga

7. Rich man Uggata

8. The rich man Surambattha

9. Physician Jivaka

10. Rich man Nakula pitu

giving generously medicine, food with the excellent taste, and so on

practising excellent generosity

serving the community of Sangha without discrimination

entirely believing in the Buddha's dispensation

having extreme confidence in the Buddha

friendly discusion with the Buddha
UPASIKA - LAYWOMEN Etadagga titles awarded for-

1.. Sujata Rich woman

2. Visakha Donor of the monastery

3-4. Khujjuttara and Samavati

5. Uttara nandamata

6. Suppavasa (koliya) Sakyan princess

7. Suppiya

8. Katiyani

9. Nakula matu

10. Kali-kuraraghara

first to take refuge

donating generously and regularly

possessing general knowledge and living with the practise of loving kindness

being absorbed in the JHANA

donating an excellent thing

rendering service to sick persons

entirely believing in the Buddha's teaching

friendly conversation with the Buddha

attainment of Ariyahood by hearing


1. Jotika

2. Mendhaka

3. Jatila

4 Kalavaliya

being rich after performance of wholesome acts in his life.

being rich after performance of wholesome acts in his life.

being rich after performance of wholesome acts in his life.

being rich after performance of wholesome acts in his life

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