Thursday, April 3, 2008

Making donation for Buddhist nuns

We need to support Buddhist nuns . because they are learning Buddhist literature , practice Meditations and promotion propagation of Buddha's sasana. When the Buddha time, the step
mother of Buddha Pajapatigothami, led some her friend to be done spiritual life. or to be Buikkhuni
At that time the Buddha did not allow women enter to the community. so Anandar asked the Buddha for it. Anandar said that can women practice meditation. The Buddha says Yes, so there
were no separation for it. weather you man or woman can practice Dharma. everyone can benefit on
it.That's why like medicine is cured for any patient. But the patient must find good doctor.listen
for his suggestions. therefore when they take good enough medicine soon recovery. The same results.Like Buddhist nuns they try best to performing. They are investing their live as well.
They have to maintain for food and building. After that they are trying maintaining mind. to live
peacefully, what I would like say this factor was they needed order to perform the
teaching of Buddha well. so that we need to making donation for Buddhist nuns.

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