Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Many human are having pure heart and kind to all.but when the pride is entered in to their heart turn to spoil.They become ugly mind,evil mind,and wicked minded. We can say that defilement is leading to their mind. So their mind become impure and worst.So that ,It's mean the problem turning in to their life.Actually, pride is included obstruct or harmful things and hindrances . Such as,proud of educational ,property,religion, business and so on.Among of them, If the pride with in them.They see no people and no respect and gratitude.They became turn down on others.think high of themselves.They looked only one sided. Three kinds of prides(1) educational they think of educational higher than one have such qualification like the way he or she,faith and must be balance.or equal.(2) prosperity They think that position,belonging higher than others.they are so proud of that they can spent money like a water.they seek happiness in worldly pleasure. what happen in the next?they became intoxicating,drink and taking drugs.they enjoy but forget to do good deed.(3) The young age When they are still younger, They will be proud of themselves.they think that we are beautiful them others.So that's why conceit in pali called mana.therefore pride also one sannojina(o) attachment.It is one of the principle obstetrical to Arahataship.Atimana= conceit,very great pride.jatika mana =proud by nature.thaddhamana= stubborn in pride, stiff-necked.some people too proud of birth place.that's not good because in Buddha's teaching say that pride is the great obstetrical to progress.So we shall turn down our pride.upgraded noble mind.when the pride in mind that were not free.or when the conceit in mind you will see things unnatural,wrong things.I think that with this hindrances spoiled beautiful mind.If there is on this kind of thought .we are freedom.Our mind become purer and purer.Therefore,who want to be most beautiful in the world.they must eradicate all these defilement or conceited mind.where there is no defilement that you will be freedom.happiest person,you will be on the right path to liberation.If They are too proud of physical expression.people are disrespect him. when he die reborn in state of woes. If he reborn as human he will be reborn in lower class.If they have no pride people are respected him,honor and after he die will be born in haven,If he reborn as human that he will be born upper class.or noble person.So the Buddha's said wallow your pride.strike diligently. Be aware of the mind. Finally, you will be free or freedom for liberation.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Buddha' teaching

The Buddha is free from material shape,felling,
perception,impulses and conciousness.Like the ocean, he is deep,immesurable,and unfathomable.So you cannot apply to him that arises,or dose not arise ,neither arises or does not

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The purpose of Buddhism

The purpose of Buddhism
What is the main purpose of human being?
I have being asking serveral question.Most of them reply, I do'nt know.Some Buddhist said that the cause of Karma.or.action.when the Buddha appear in this is not above answer.You see
When you becoming humanbeing.(Buddhupadodulabo)It is difficults task to be human being.You may say the bigger of world population .let,s says
Before world-war and the end of world war.
Let's take city and village bigger and bigger.
The Buddha's said that I t was difficults task
to get apportunity for humanbeing.You can get what you want.You can go which way you are chosing.The good side and bad side.I would like to tell you " apportunity" I am not going to rich. but I am not saying your belonging.or prosperity.logging,cars, so on.In that cases,Do anyone easy to abtain?Rich means King of Sakyavate will be completed.No one can influence his power.and business factor so on.He can what he want certainly. That's human great luxury.
pleasure, where we can get luxury pleasure
"No way" either in Haven .The Buddha's used to praise the king of Skyavate in his teaching.The Buddha said is not because
I like the luxury of Skyavate.I wanted you to
get lesson from it.What was Skya doing?
So we can compare Skyavate prosperity(or) preasure. And Haman rich was nothing to speak out.So, therefore in that case the Buddha's said that it is great task to be human.He did not say to become
Deva or sprit.It was hard to get by.There was the way how to do? Do you want to be Skya?everything is possible in human world.Just practice it.or Do you want to be Brahma? Just practise it.For supramandene.Do you want to be the first
state of noble person?It,s up to you.The chose is your.If you reach will never be reborn in state of weos.There is the way has shown by the Buddha.or you can be the second state of noble person till
To the end of lebration.This is opportunity only can get human world.That,s why we are learning Abbhidhama? What are we going to do with it.The intention was lower to higher.The places impurity to purity.The smaller to bigger.unnoble to noble.Darkness
To brightness. That is the main purpose learining Abhidhama.If is not, there is no beneficial doing for food,accomodation,and clothing.I mean everybody looking for food, shelter,clothing
By their own way.For exaple, the mouse in the house .he has his own way how to searh food.It is not bad. he earns for his living.For only getting enough food,or orthers.There were no different human and well as sparrow.They can build their nest properly.We do'nt know where did
They learn an engineering.Some nest is very
Good and neaty.There is many sparrow nest in my monestry.Some children came to
To shoot them.I was stop them not to shoot it.They are thinking of us noble people. that
Why they come and rely on us.I am very interested cock-sparrow and hen-sparrow.
the way they build their nest. Upper alittel is
Rough and lower is smoothly.We do'nt know how they get technical building.They were enjoy by themselves.So what is the different human and animal?If you sastify enough in this way.The Buddha was instructed us to go beyong on this state.For
That reason,The Buddha was appearing in this human world.So therefore, the purpose
Of Buddha was not doing think hight of Him.
To escape for suffering begening this life to
Final goals.go on step by step,higher and higher. He taught them. We got a few time to teach you but affected.If you learn which you cannot apply is not beneficial.
When I was England .I have read letter.
I thought in the news paper. In the west they
hired houses.He had broker a gent.The agent have to explain how many room and
located,space so on.but they do'nt have to go the house owner in advance.They take time to looking for house to rent.some are chosy. All you have shown me the house .I am not like it.Because he has many clothes which is not valuable.A house agent
told him.You are only one.but things which is you have not valuable.Why are keeping them?In learing many knowleages as well.
You have learnt many things but not useful.
no application on his life.Whatever you learn
you apply in day to day life.

Abhidhama applied in day to day life
Taught by sayardaw U tithila
Translated by Ven,U javana


Friday, April 18, 2008

To be aware everyday

I am certain to become old,
I am not avoid become old,
I am certain to become ill and diseased
I cannot avoid illness,
I am certain to die
All things dear beloved will not last they will be subject to change and separation
Rfe, Sutanta Pitaka Pinccakanipada Pali

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Making donation for Buddhist nuns

We need to support Buddhist nuns . because they are learning Buddhist literature , practice Meditations and promotion propagation of Buddha's sasana. When the Buddha time, the step
mother of Buddha Pajapatigothami, led some her friend to be done spiritual life. or to be Buikkhuni
At that time the Buddha did not allow women enter to the community. so Anandar asked the Buddha for it. Anandar said that can women practice meditation. The Buddha says Yes, so there
were no separation for it. weather you man or woman can practice Dharma. everyone can benefit on
it.That's why like medicine is cured for any patient. But the patient must find good doctor.listen
for his suggestions. therefore when they take good enough medicine soon recovery. The same results.Like Buddhist nuns they try best to performing. They are investing their live as well.
They have to maintain for food and building. After that they are trying maintaining mind. to live
peacefully, what I would like say this factor was they needed order to perform the
teaching of Buddha well. so that we need to making donation for Buddhist nuns.